Handwashing Sanitizer Gel and Spray Eliminates 99% Bacteria Virus Journey Various ML Without Water + Protective masks STI

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As low as €4.99
Devices and detergents for personal hygiene, effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Devices and detergents for personal hygiene, effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Our hands are constantly used to perform a multitude of actions and can become contaminated with microorganisms that can then enter the our body simply put her hands to her mouth, nose or eyes.

the STI sanitizing gel, alcohol-based are ideal for effectively sanitize hands without using water, outside the home, at work, at school, on the go, anywhere you can not wash your hands with soap and water. It acts quickly, it will be sufficient to take a bit 'of gel and rub your hands until completely dry.

The spray disinfectant against bacteria and virus TSI acts effectively to reduce the presence of microorganisms on the hands, where it will be sufficient spray the product and rub hands thoroughly for about one minute for drying purposes, or on surfaces, in this case spraying the surface to be treated and allow to act for 5 minutes, then wipe with a clean cloth.

the protective masks STI offers great protection, are easy to wear and have an area of ​​up to 50% wider than conventional masks.

available products:

Gel 75ml Hand Sanitizing Gel Hand Sanitizing Gel 100ml

250ml Hand Sanitizing Hand Sanitizing Gel 500ml

disinfectant Spray 100ml

protective masks 14pz

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